About Me
My name is Nova P. Lynxie, but you can call me 'Nova'.
I'm quite a very cheerful, carefree, optimistic and at times fairly shy individual. Sometimes I do find it
difficult to start a conversation when meeting new peeps but once you get to know me I am a friendly yet playful
My Backstory
Before I became 'Nova Lynxie' I used to be a very shy individual and did struggle to get myself out there and in some cases am still a bit shy, since then I have grown my confidence when talking to peeps both on Discord and IRL to finally muster up the courage to chat with other people. Truth is I still do struggle when meeting new people but am holding up better than my past self several years back.I am a bit of a furry myself, and have over time developed my fursona character which is mostly what you'll find me as on Discord. Used to go by many different names, from the first name 'Pip' and have since then chosen Nova as my relatively well known name both as my fursona as well as my ingame name.
The 'P' in my name actually is 'Pippy' which used to be my fursona's first name, before I changed it to Nova. I mostly prefer being called 'Pip' or Novie as my nickname since these I tend to respond to anyway.
My Hobbies
Some things I do in my free time include but not limited to, playing computer games, coding some random hobby project or fun apps and programs, the occasional drawing, cycling and live streaming. CoraBot is one such product from coding in my spare time which I made specifically for my own discord server, you can find her working away silently in there. More information is available in My Stuff > CoraBot.One game I love playing in my free time is Minecraft, mainly due to its sandbox nature where you can build to your heart's content and the only limit is your imagination. You can build many things, ranging from huge cities, underwater bases, space stations and factories to simpler things like a farm or a small village. The possibilities are endless.